Genre: Alternative/Indie Balthazar is a Belgian indie pop/rock group. The band consists of Maarten Devoldere, Jinte Deprez, Simon Casier, Michiel Balcaen, and Tijs Delbeke, who all come from the areas of Kortrijk and Ghent. Wikipedia
[Verse 1]
Every time I walk on by
Stroll along your street
Can't believe there's not a thing in the world
A thing left to repeat
And I was walking on your floor
Begging to get more
Can't believe there's not a thing in the world
A thing left to ask for
So leave my broken bones
I'll take the load of your skin
Throw me all your stones
You need a sinner I will
[Verse 2]
Every time I walk on by
Stroll along your street
Can't believe there's not a thing in the world
A thing left to repeat
So leave my broken bones
I'll take the load of your skin
Throw me all your stones
You need a sinner I will
So leave my broken bones
I'll take the load of your skin
Throw me all your stones
You need a sinner I will
[Verse 3]
Don't you know
Don't you know what to say
Every time you think about it
Talk around it again
Don't you know
Don't you know what to say
Every time you think about it
Talk around it again
Don't you know
Don't you know what to say
Every time you think about it
Talk around it again
Don't you know
Don't you know what to say
Every time you think about it
Talk around it again